Milaca Miracle

June 30, 2021

No one thought the Vikings were going to beat the Saints. They were down 24-23 with 61 yards to go and only 25 seconds. Former Quarterback Case Keenum threw a 27-yard pass to former Wide Receiver Stefon Diggs. Saints Safety Marcus Williams fell down and Diggs raced to the end zone sealing the Super Bowl Win for the Vikings. Just kidding it was only a playoff game, but exciting nevertheless. Schools were Skol clapping all over the State for the next week before the Vikings lost to Nick Foles and the Eagles. But the Eagles fans were really mean to the Vikings fans, so who really won? How does this relate to Milaca, you ask? In no way whatsoever. Except Stefon Diggs wore number 14. Chris Sailors has now won 14 trials in a row in Mille Lacs County. Is this a Milaca miracle? Possibly, because no one thought someone would win 14 trials in a row just like the Minneapolis Miracle. However, the Minneapolis Miracle involved breathtaking athleticism and grace. The Milaca Miracle involves dumb analogies and a lot of play acting.

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